
We have been really impressed with the number of people who want to contribute material so we have eventually created a page.

We are making up the rules as we go along so apologies if we get it wrong but - if you do want to contribute material - please do the following:

Ensure that the material that you e-mail to us is a word document or pdf that we can easily put on the site and tell us whether you want your name acknowledged or not.

You probably ought to tell us whether you want it secured (or secure it yourself before you send it to us).

Ensure that the work is yours to contribute - we write our own stuff (apart from the collated NCEA questions) and we should not put up stuff that could be a copyright issue.

We can't accept material that you found that you think would be useful.... you have to have created it.

This site is dedicated to helping students. We know that teachers use it (and we think that is awesome) but we don't have pages dedicated to resources that only teachers should be able to access.

If teachers want to share material between their colleagues only there are impressive sites such as this ncea physics site run by James Harris for Physics teachers, the NZIP site, etc.

We are happy to post material that both students and teachers can use.

We are only human and the odd error slips in from time to time. Please let us know if you spot anything or can make suggestions for improvements.

We don't think we can put up any sample Internal assessments of project/research type even thought we'd like to as we have been offered some great examples.

There are too many potential plagarism / authenticity problems. Sorry.

Topic, contribution, contributor:

SCI 1 Mechanics Acids and Bases Genetics A range of lovely revision posters by Emily Priest (Teacher)NEW

BIO1 1Flowering Plants (1.4) Mammals as Consumers (1.5) A range of lovely revision posters by Emily Priest (Teacher)New

Recent Posts

January 1 2017

2017 A New Look

We had a bit of time so we thought we would give the site a refresh.

December 12 2016

Happy Holidays

2016 Exams are over. Time for a break - happy holidays all.

May 28 2011

This page was first added on 28/5/2011. We will try and keep a list of our newest additions to each page, to help you so look back regularly! It's lovely to get feedback and/or suggestions from our users.




We have been really impressed with the number of people who want to contribute material so we have created a page for contributions.