The site is run by two webmasters and contributions to the site are from four practising New Zealand teachers, working in two different schools, with over 100 years of teaching experience between them.
This website attempts to meet the ever increasing complex and diverse demands of website browsers. We apologise if a page does not display properly on your browser. The site has been validated by the the W3C Markup Validation Service
(The name "No Brain Too Small" was originally suggested by Ian after some badges were given to the department by Liz........)
We have no plans to extend beyond Science as we are made up of a Biologist, two Chemists and a Physicist - and we add resources when we can, or sometimes in response to special requests!
A special hello to the students we teach in Wanganui at WCS and WHS, and to our own lovely kids still living in Wanganui, and the ones now at University in Wellington & Dunedin!